
Friday, May 20, 2016

LA Zoo Field Trip - April 2016 Week 4 & May 2016 Week 1

Yikes!  I can't believe it has already been about a month since I last wrote.  I didn't have that many pictures, so I skipped a week and then just didn't get back to it. 

Life has been pretty much going along as normal.  Kyle was working quite a bit, so the bathroom was making slow progress, but he was able to get some things done this week and now all we really need is it to find a mirror we like.  I am planning to paint the upstairs bathroom tomorrow.

We have been doing quite a bit of bike riding lately as Katelyn now really enjoys it.  She has about 3 weeks left of school.  I can't believe how quickly the year went. 

Here are some pictures from the first couple weeks I missed.

Part of the reason I wasn't posting was just an overall sense of being overwhelmed and having zero time to myself.  This is what my life looked like for several weeks.  Fortunately, now she is playing on her own a little bit better again.  Unless the I try open the back door.  Then she grabs me by the arm or leg and pulls me outside to push her on the swings.

Real life right here. . . . .  Mommy is not allowed to do her hair, or cook, or pretty much anything.

 The marker monster strikes again.  This happens a lot in our house.

A treat having cupcakes with Grandma.

Playing Guess Who at Grandpa & Grandmas.  This was on game that my sister Laura and I played a ton.  It was fun to watch them playing it too.

The first weekend of May is always a big air show at the airport by our home.  The girls were watching it from their playset.

 We may have used gift certificates that the girls got in order to have Yogurtland . . . . for dinner.  Don't judge, the girls had fun.

We had our year end luncheon for my Bible study and the Story Hour kids sang for us.  I'm not sure why Brooklyn is the only kid wearing dress-up clothes for the singing, but they were cute and she loved Story Hour for the last two years.

This is how Madison thinks the table should be set.  I can't turn my back on that girly for a minute.

Katelyn had her first fieldtrip to the LA Zoo at the beginning of May.  She had a great time.  I went with her, but evidently didn't think about getting a picture together (I'm still not too big on the whole selfie thing, so we will have to see if I can get over that).

The reptile house was our first stop.

Playing with a bunch of classmates on the big snake.

Looking at the komodo dragon.  One of her two favorites of the day.

Katelyn and her good friend that we hung out with all day.

Her other favorite animal of the day.  She did here animal report on giraffes and put this picture into the report.