
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Grandpa & Grandma Visit

Kyle and I had our 10th anniversary on June 17 and to celebrate, we took a trip to Costa Rica for 9 days without the kids.  Kyle's parents were going to stay with our kids for several days while we were gone and they combined the trip with Katelyn's kindergarten graduation, which was two days before we left.  We had several  days with them before Kyle & I left and had a few fun outings.  I will post more about Costa Rica in another post.

The first day of their trip, we went to the beach.  We played on the beach for a while, then went for a bike ride, and then had Ruby's on the pier for dinner.  It was our first beach trip of the year and we all had a great time, even though it was a little cool at the beach.

Car Ride to the Beach

I LOVE this picture.  It so accurately shows what our life is like.

Chasing birds

Mmmmmm - sandy grapes.

Digging a hole.

Laying in the hole.

I can't resist her cuteness

Playing with my girls in the water.

Waiting for dinner.

We were gone over Father's Day, so we gave Kyle his gifts a week early.
I made my first attempt at a candy bouquet.  It actually turned out ok.

Coloring before church.

Always lots of reading when Grandpa & Grandma are around.

Madison leading Grandpa around.

Grandpa & Grandma took the girls on a walk in their pjs.  They made a quick stop at the park.

Monday evening was graduation, which I will do in a separate post as this one is getting a little long.

The morning before Kyle & I left (we had a late night flight), we headed to the local zoo to see the animals and have a picnic.

All ready to go!

Swinging with Grandpa back at home.

I had extra pictures as some of these are from Kyle's mom, so this was an extra long post.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

June 2016 - Week 1

Katelyn finished her last week of Kindergarten this week.  She will graduate on Monday evening.  Crazy how fast it went.  They finished the year off with an ice cream sundae party on Thursday afternoon. 

Here are a few pictures from our week:

Katelyn wanted to do a science experiment to see if bread would float.

Our peach tree pretty much broke in half.  It has always been a sad looking tree and Kyle says he will take it out this year.

We went up to my sister Laura's house and the kids are playing in Micah's new 'sand car' as he calls it.

Playing in the pool at Micah's house.

Madison, aka, 'the blur' in photos.  Dress up & dolls.

Good Morning!
We didn't do anything too exciting last weekend as we had to spend some time painting ceilings and a couple of doors.  Although I think that I have now painted both sides of every door in this house, so I won't have to worry about that again for a looooonnnnnng time (hopefully). 

Kyle's parents arrived in town late last night so they can be here to celebrate graduation with us, so it should be a fun week ahead.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Green & Gold Day, Birthdays & Lake Arrowhead - May 2016

We had a lot going on the last weekend of May.  It was a great weekend with lots of family activity and a good break from a lot of the housework that we have been doing on the weekends.

On Friday, Katelyn had her first Green & Gold Day for School.  Katelyn is on the green team.  She started out very excited about the day - I think she was probably up before 5:30 that morning with excitement.  However, during the first couple of events it was evident that she was super tired and not having any of it. She likes knowing exactly what is going on, so there was one event that she didn't know what to do which set her off in a bad mood.  There was also an event that involved water and she had been telling me for a couple of days she did not want to do it because she didn't want to get wet.  Fortunately, the weather was pretty nice for the end of May and the kindergartners only had to be there for about 2 hours.
Tug of War - She is right next to the teacher behind the blue hat.

Katelyn is in the middle of this picture - she got a couple good throws in.
We wanted to do something fun for the Madison & Brooklyn's birthday, so on Saturday morning we took the girls to ChuckECheese.  This was only the second time we have been with them and the first was just before Madison was born.  We arrived right after they opened for about an hour, so it was not busy at all and we all had a good time.  Then we headed to In'n'Out for lunch.

Between the X palm trees at In'n'Out
Sunday was their actual birthday, Brooklyn turned 5 and Madison turned 2, so we had some family come over after church for lunch.  Brooklyn is a super picky eater, so her request was mac'n'cheese and berries for lunch.  We also threw some Brats & hotdogs on the grill as the adults were not going to be ok with only Mac'n'cheese.

Most Madison pictures are blurry these days.  She doesn't still for long.

Brooklyn insisted that I write on the cake in purple.

Mmmmmm, Cake!

Monday was Memorial day and we took a trip up to Lake Arrowhead for breakfast and to walk the nature trail we have done many times before.  It was a beautiful day.

On the drive up, we were above the clouds.

Watching for ducks.

Madison swinging with Daddy

Running down the trail

Weekends like this are my favorite (as long as the kids can hold it together).