
Sunday, September 28, 2014


While most of the month of June was busy with visitors and I already had a post specifically for Madison, I have a few more cute pictures to share of my big girls.

Kyle & I celebrated our 8th anniversary on the 17th.  We left the big girls with Grandpa & Grandma and took Madison along with us to dinner.  We went to PF Changs, one of the many places our girls would probably not care for and we had not enjoyed for a long time.  Madison was still sleeping a ton and slept through the entire dinner, so we had a nice time.

We got some new furniture for our bedroom, so Kyle helped the girls make some houses out of the boxes. 

They decorated the inside with markers.

Then he served them lunch in their 'house.'

    They have such a good dad.

For my Grandma's birthday (and mine), we head to my Aunt and Uncle's house to celebrate and went swimming.

Friday, September 26, 2014

My Dream Bath is Done!

You might remember that a year ago we started to remodel our bathroom. 

This was what we started with.

Everything was builders grade and we were unable to use our shower, so it had to be replaced.

And this is how it turned out!


 I LOVE it! 

Kyle did an AWESOME job!  As I mentioned in the other posts, we did all the demo, then the contractors came in and put up the waterproofing backers and built the frame for the shower and the tub.  Kyle then did all the tiling.  They came back and put in the tub, did the plumbing for the shower and had another person do some drywall work and install the glass door.  Kyle installed the vanity, the countertop, the mirrors, the vanity fixtures, the trim (baseboards and around the doors), and a new window ledge. 

 It is a year later, and a couple weeks ago, we just finished up a couple of the last items, like putting a vinyl decal between the mirrors (below) and spackling the nail holes in the last part of the trim.  We had done some work on the bedroom, so we just wanted to finish it all at the same time (those posts should be coming soon.)

Friday, September 12, 2014

May Days

Update:  I was corrected, it was Kyle who took the girls to Curious George below.  My mom took them to one about Click Clack Moo which I think was in April.  I still have a few pictures from back in May that I have not yet shared (pre-Madison).

At the time, I was busy blogging to catch up before the arrival of Madison (a lot of good that did me as it is now September and I am posting May pics).  The girls love to look at my blog and see all of their pictures.  Katelyn now reads the entire blog (so I now have to be more careful of what I write).

Kyle was working from home one day in May and we decided to take the girls out for pretzels and to play in the splash pad.  Some days, you just need to get out of the house. . . We have been having lots of those days lately - so ready for Bible Study to start again for the fall.

The end of May brought the Sunday School Award breakfast. 
Katelyn eating with some friends.

Katelyn's class (3 &4 year olds).

She got an attendance award for missing 3 or fewer classes.
Before Brooklyn was born, we took Katelyn to the zoo and the beach to have a special day with her.  So, before Madison was born, we decided to do something with B & K.  We didn't really want to drive or spend a ton of money, so we headed to Chuck-E-Cheese for a couple hours in the morning.  It was the first time they had been there. We got there shortly after it opened and were the first ones there.  I think only a couple other people came the entire time (Monday morning is evidently the time to go :-)).

Here they are doing a dance with Chuck-E (they were a little scared but enjoyed the songs).
The girls had a blast and got a couple souvenirs with their tickets that they still recall Chuck-E-Cheese.

 We went up to Lake Arrowhead for breakfast for Mother's Day with my parents and sisters family.

Always have to feed the ducks.

Kyle took this picture on the hike they took (I hung back at the entrance with my Grandma as I was almost ready to have a baby).

Cousins!  They love each other
 Random Photo of me & my girls.

We took a trip to the library.

My mom gave me a break one morning and took the girls to story time at the library where they read Curious George Flies a Kite.  Katelyn was upset because we had that book at home and she had already heard it.  They did have fund making monkey faces and kites.

This was the first night I was ready to have the baby (about 2 weeks before Madison arrived).  Walking had worked the first 2 pregnancies, so we thought we would go to the park for a bike ride/walk.  It obviously didn't work the third time. . . .   This was the first of many long walks.

We got the girls ice cream from the ice cream truck after their bike ride.
 Anxious to get out of the house, we met my mom and my sister at a splash pad at a local outdoor mall.  We also let the kids go on a train ride.

One of the downfalls of the new closet that Kyle is that the big girls can both reach all of Katelyn's clothes.  They had fun this day though.  They were hopping around from shirt to shirt.

Here they set up a library in our house with the babysitter.

A visit to GG's house.

Bonfire in the backyard!

Wow!  Evidently I took more picks and we did a lot more things in May than I remembered.  It takes a lot to keep those girls busy.