
Monday, August 28, 2017

March 2017

We did a lot of fun things in March!  Soccer wrapped up, we went to Legoland, we went on a family hike and Brooklyn and I went on a fieldtrip to the zoo and more.  (Sorry this post gets long.)

Brooklyn only attended Kindergarten Tuesday through Thursday, so sometimes Mondays and Fridays included a park trip or bike ride.
Madison is getting so big and independent.

Brooklyn has mastered swinging!
We had our last day of soccer games and each of the girls had a team party in the following weeks.  Brooklyn's was at a jumping party location and Katelyn's at a pizza place.
Madison enjoyed being at the games (at least in this picture she did).  Katelyn is #6 in the middle of the photo.

Brookie going for the ball (left in yellow).
I think they had fun!  (Brooklyn and Madison)

Katelyn receiving her participation medal.
We had a yard sale.  The girls had another lemonade stand and really enjoyed it.

Kyle put a price on the house hoping for a quick sale.  :-)

The helpers

Legoland!  Madison has been informing people for months that "I went to Legoland."  Look at all the big smiles!

We went for a hike close to home one Saturday morning.  The big girls wanted to use my camera to take photos of about every flower they saw.  With all the rain we had over the winter, there were a lot of wildflowers and it was a great day for a hike.

An example of the pics the girls took.

Photo by Brooklyn.

At the end of the month, I went with Brooklyn for a field trip to the zoo.
She did her animal project on elephants (there is one in the background).

Riding the bus home with my girl.

Random Photo Time!
Brooklyn lost her first tooth after a soccer game!  (She lost her 2nd tooth on a ride at Legoland.)

Gotta love Brooklyn's sense of style

"Sleeping" in the bath tub.
Pretty Pretty Princess.

She must have been really tired to not finish her sucker.

Fun times at Hobby Lobby. (B & M)

Celebrating St. Patty's day at school.
Time for another hair cut!
Here's a video of my silly girl after the above photo of her "sleeping" in the tub.

Monday, August 21, 2017

February 2017

During February, I was one of 4 parents that was picked to go with Katelyn's 1st grade class on a field trip.  We went to tour a fire station and tour a cookie factory.  I love that I can sometimes do these things with the girls.

We also had a four day weekend for President's weekend.  I took the girls to the local children's museum for a morning and we tried out a new (to us) park another morning.

All four of us fit into the spinning ball.

 Here are a few more random photos from the month.

Katelyn's turn to be goalie.

Goofing off.

Play time!

This is what happens when gum is left out within Madison's reach (and no, she doesn't know how to chew without swallowing yet).

My Swinging Beauty.

Here are a couple of videos taken during February:
     -"Grandma's Girl"

   - Madison reading her Bible stories.  You might want to turn up the volume.  "Jesus said . . . "