
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Park pics and more

Wow, what a difference one week of blogging makes.  I took soooooo many more pictures this week than I have in a long time.  I look forward to sharing them, so here's a little glimpse of our week.

We have been trying to do more biking & scooter riding, so last week took several walks and bike rides.  One was to the park with the two little girls while Katelyn was at school.  On the way home Brooklyn informed me as I passed her up that "Parents shouldn't ride in front of their kids."  She then proceeded to yell "HA!  I'm beating you!" as she rode by.  She cracks me up.

Madison loves the slides.

Brooklyn is really good at riding her scooter.

Madison is always up for a bike ride.  Unlike Katelyn, when she was little, Madison is always awake and looking around.

Madison loves to color and had been doing really well lately, but then last week she decided she was going to start writing on her body and clothes and eat the markers again.  Grrrr.  This was just one of many times. . . .   The markers got taken away for a little while.

On Sunday night, we went to my parents to watch the Packers play-off game.  The game didn't turn out so well, but this pick of Kyle and the girls did :-).

Kyle finished his Christmas present!  It took a while as certain parts of it had to be completed many times thanks to Miss Madison.

I went upstairs one night to get ready for bed and someone had made me breakfast in bed :-).  (Yeah, I know, I didn't get the bed made that day.)

The girls were taken selfies and other pictures on my phone today.  Here's the best 2.

We are planning on going to the local mountains soon and hoping for some snow.  So the girls were practicing their sledding.

This also included 'sledding' down the stairs.
Today was the first time I noticed that Madison was coloring actual objects (Bert & Ernie on the left page), not just scribbling.
Madison loves to act like the big girls.  Here she is ready for school.   Love this girl.

Also a couple of funnies from the State of the Union last week.
1.)  Madison must think we are Democrat as she thought she needed to do a lot of clapping when they clapped on tv.  We have a lot to teach her.
2.)  Brooklyn asked if America was real.  Haha.  This is a question we get a lot about if things are real.  Especially when watching reality shows, such as baking and the Amazing Race.  Although today she asked if one of their stuffed lambs was real, so I don't really know what is going on in that mind of hers.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

I'm Back!

It's true!  I'm back!  After a year off from blogging, one of my goals for 2016 is to blog once a week (I hope to do this usually on Thursday or Friday).  In January 2015 I intentionally decided that the blog was just another added thing on my to do list and that I just mentally could not have anything extra going on.  Having a 3rd kid was a big adjustment for me, especially when Madison became mobile, and blogging was just not going to happen.  I was using my evenings to actually get anything done.  Couponing also intentionally got put on the back burner (except for my normal grocery store and Target, of course).  However, I have missed recording our activities and I really do like having a record of them.  Katelyn is also one of my biggest readers of the blog and she has missed reading and remembering things.  So, back to the blog it is. 

I am planning to just give more of a 'here was our week' type format, rather than doing a post of each type of activity we did, as I wrote in the past. Because lets face it, more than one blog entry a week is just not going to happen.  This is really going to make me start taking more pictures again because I have gotten really lazy in that area.

This week's post is going to include pictures from the last two weeks as I did not have a post last week and I also don't have a ton of pictures (as mentioned above).

Kyle kicked off the year by hanging up our new curtains in the living and dining room.  In January of last year, we bought a new couch and we have slowly been remodeling the entire living room.  I only need a couple more items (big one being a new media stand) and then I can call it done.

The living room redo included new light fixtures that Kyle hung up last fall.  Isn't he such a handy guy?

We got a great deal on the Amazon Fire on the day after Thanksgiving, so we bought it kind of for the kids (that way they won't bother us about that I-pad) haha.  By great deal I mean $35 - we really didn't break the bank on this one.  We don't usually let Madison use it, but this was too cute.  She loves to plop herself down in the bean bag chairs and thinks she is one of the big girls.

The girls got to spend the night at Grandpa & Grandma's house when Kyle & I had a church function last week.  When we got there the big 2 climbed up into the back acting goofy.  Of course, Madison needed in on the action.

This girls loves to put on shoes, hers or anyone's.  She has my high heel on one foot and a flat on the other.  So silly.  And yes, this is right when she got out of bed in the morning.

Brooklyn wanted to take some selfies . . . .

Madison - eating markers again.  She loves to color, but will occasionally sneak a marker in her mouth when no one is looking.

Well, that is a short recap of our past couple weeks, just getting back into the rhythm of life after having house guests for about half of December.