
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Surgery was a success!

Well it is closing in on two weeks since Brooke's surgery, so I should probably post an update. . .

Surgery went well.  It was at Children's Hospital Orange County, which had opened their new hospital within the month before the surgery, so it was a super nice hospital.  They had so many great things for kids.  There were toy areas and tvs in the waiting room and in the pre-op area if she was getting bored while waiting for the doctor.  As it was pretty early and she was fairly tired, we didn't use much of that, but there was also a tv in our pre-op room with kids shows on and a couple boxes of toys specific for a girl.  I didn't even have to pull out the things that I had brought along.  She was such a trooper and we didn't have any issues before the surgery, even though we had to wake her up a couple of hours early and she couldn't have any food before her 8:30 AM surgery.
Playing with the tea cups in pre-op - she was pretty happy

They gave her some medicine about 30 mins. before taking her back that made her really loopy, but relaxed her so that she didn't seem to care when daddy and mommy left her at the door to the surgery area.  She was allowed to take in her baby and her blanket, which was also nice.

Kyle & I were in the waiting area for a very short time (maybe 15 - 20 mins.) before they came and told us to wait in a meeting room to talk to the dr.  He came in and told us everything had gone well and that the thumb was bending!  Shortly after that we were able to meet Brookie in the recovery area.

We could hear her crying before we even walked into the room and that continued for over an hour and a half.  I guess that is somewhat normal when they come out of the anesthesia, but we were not expecting that - at all.  She just didn't know what to do with herself and would cry for us and push us away at the same time.  They released us as soon as we could get her to drink something and when she got into her car seat with her blanket she immediately relaxed and fell asleep on the way home.  When she woke up a few hours later, it was like nothing had really happened.

She has been doing great with her hand bandaged up.  She hasn't really been picking at it much, although the last few days she has been trying to scratch it as it is starting to scab and heal.  And then last night she completely took the wrap off - still not sure how she did that and hopefully it won't happen again.  It looks like most of her stitches are already gone.  It has been a little boring around our house as she can't get her hand wet or dirty, so we've pretty much been staying indoors (although she has still managed to stick into water and milk on her plate at least 3 times that I can think of).   We have a follow-up appointment this Wednesday and then hopefully life will be back to normal.

Oh - and her thumb is working great!  She holds it straight more and more everyday!

Sorry this got a little long and detailed, but I like to have some of these memories written down for us as well.

On a side note - just walked out the mail & guess what was in there? . . . the hospital bill (not yet adjusted for insurance) - YIKES!

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