
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A day of celebrating love for family

Well, I am guessing that if you watch the news tonight you will hear about the wind and fire we are having nearby.  The wind has been horrible starting yesterday morning and this morning there was a fire that started in Rancho Cucamonga, which is about 20-30 minutes from here.  We are in the direct path of the smoke, so that is not cool.  Supposedly it has been in the 90's, but we wouldn't really know because it is so windy we haven't really ventured outside.  We are starting to go a little stir crazy.  It was a good thing we had Bible Study at church this morning.

I am going to make an attempt to catch up on life before the baby comes, so even though it is now 2.5 months later, I still want to do a post of Valentine's day.  We make a pretty big deal about holidays around our house as Katelyn gets extremely excited for them and it fun to do some new things.

As I mentioned previously, we did a preschool unit on Valentine's day the week leading up to Valentine's Day.

During the week, the girls each made necklaces & wreaths.  Here they are making the wreaths.  I must have forgotten to take a picture of them with their necklaces.

On Thursday the girls made cards (one for Daddy & one for GG - Great Grandma).  They said "We love you to pieces."

Then on Friday (Valentine's Day) morning we went and visited my grandma (GG).  I guess the girls are wearing their necklaces here.

In the afternoon we took a stab a finger painting.  I had made a couple things to be heart shaped, but the girls kind of did their own thing.  Not going to lie, finger painting was really not my thing (or Katelyn's).  Not sure how often that is going to happen again.

Then on Friday night we had a nice dinner at home as a family.  This is what we always do for actual Valentine's Day as Kyle and I hate fighting the crowds anyways.  We got a babysitter the following night and headed out for a rare date to Cheesecake Factory - MMMMMMM - so good.
Here are the girls in their new Valentine's shirts (which have become favorites even still), which were sent from Kyle's parents.

Our table all ready for a nice dinner.  Kyle brought home the flowers.  Some of the jell-o is cut into hearts, but is hard to see.
It is so fun to celebrate holidays with young kids.  Katelyn was waiting for this day for weeks.

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