
Friday, May 5, 2017

December 2016

We had a lot going on in the month of December.

This was technically in November, but I forgot to include it.  We measure the girls each November & May around their birthdays.  I thought this was fun because we reached the first time when the kids were measured at the same ages. If anyone wants to know how much older Katelyn is than Brooklyn at a certain age, her it is.

Brooklyn fell the first Saturday of December and the next morning her elbow still hurt and she would not bend it, so I took her to urgent care on Sunday and the x-ray was inconclusive about if it was a break or not so they treated as one.  When we went to the specialist a couple days later, he did not think it was broken and she was acting totally normal.  
I took Brooke for a treat (donuts) after her urgent care appointment.

Decorating for Christmas.

Katelyn got a subscription to Clubhouse for her birthday and everytime she gets a magazine she finds a quiet spot to read for a long time.

We took a family bike ride to a local Little Free Library.

When you are a kid, it is still fun to rake leaves.

 Here's a few more randoms.

Katelyn reading a Bible story to Madison.  💗💗
 You will need to turn up the volume on this, but it is pretty sweet.

When did she get so big?
Kyle has become a true Californian.  Here he is in our bedroom when our heater wasn't working in Dec.

Katelyn had her first soccer practice before Christmas. (Top left)
 The girls each got to pick one thing that was important to them over the Christmas season.  Katelyn wanted to make a gingerbread house.  Brooklyn wanted to do a Christmas tree craft.  I picked going to see Christmas lights.

We drove through the lights this year and on our way home stopped at a home that has a display set to music. Here is Madison watching it.
We opened some of our gifts before we headed out of town.  Evidently I didn't take too many pics, but here is a pictures of pure joy of Brooklyn.

And then we were off to Minnesota for Christmas.

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