
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Be My Valentine - x3!

Growing up, we always had a tradition of spending Valentine's night at home with a fun, yet somewhat fancy and decorated dinner.  Before we had kids, Kyle & I would usually brave the lines and go out for a Valentine's dinner, but now that we would need to get a babysitter and possibly have to wait for a table for a couple hours, we have started having a family Valentine's dinner at home as well.  Ideally, we would go out for dinner just the two of us the weekend before or after, but this year Missy Brooke wasn't feeling well, so we had to cancel our plans.

Our dinner table.  Kyle got me flowers :-).           I'm also thinking that this might be the very first time that the 4 of us have eaten at the dining room table without anyone else at our house.

Love Bug #1.

Love Bug #2 - she is almost impossible to get a good photo of at this stage.

1 comment:

  1. You do such a great job of making things special for your crew!
