
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Madison's First Month

I hope you had a good Labor Day.  We enjoyed it with a BBQ and swimming and the home of some friends from church.

Here are some pictures of Madison from June.

Her first day at home.  She could sleep anywhere.

First tummy time:

She would sleep without a swaddle:

First bath at home:

Random Photos of our Cutie:

Sleeping anywhere (again):

1 week old - Sucking her fingers, although this hasn't turned out to be something that she does regularly:
Poppa & Mammie came for a visit, here she is with cousin Mackenzie:

The girls did not think that Madison should ever be laying on the floor by herself (this is Katelyn, although Brooklyn often did the same thing):

My cousin had a daughter (Eliana) about 3 weeks before Madison was born, even though they were due the same week.  Here Madison is about 1.5 weeks old.  They are about the same size here, Madison is on the right.

More random cuteness:

2 weeks old:

Nap time with daddy is a fairly regular thing:

She spends a lot of time in her gym.

Baptism day - June 22, 2014.  She wore the dress that her Grandmother wore for her baptism.

4 weeks old - Her big sisters like to share their toys:

1 month old!  Here she is with her first bottle.  She took it great!

1 month old and getting so big already.

Madison's first month was highlighted by her baptism and visits from Poppa & Mammie when she was one week old and Grandpa & Grandma D. from Minnesota when she was 3 weeks old.  She did roll from her stomach to her back once the day she turned one month, but I think it was just how her hands were placed as she has not done it since. 

She was (and is still) a great baby.  For the first month, she slept A TON.  She ate every 3 hours from the get-go and then would pretty much sleep until her next feeding.  She only ever woke up 1 or two times per night.  There were times during the day that we would almost forget that we had 3 kids because she was so easy.  We did have to take her back to the check-up center when she was five days old because at 4 days she had some jaundice.  It went down enough that it wasn't an issue though.  Her weight gain was good, unlike that of her sisters, so we never had to supplement or feed every two hours - yeah!  She also had to have her bellybutton/cord cauterized, but that never seemed to bother her.

Madison gets LOTS of love and attention from her sisters.  Katelyn especially can't leave the room (or enter it) without giving kisses and commenting on how cute she is.  We don't really worry about them hurting her at all, but are regularly asking them to give her some space.

We are loving this precious bundle of joy.

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