
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sunny Days in February & Garage Organization

I am struggling a little with the flow of this new weekly blogging format.  I like the topical posts that I used to do better, because I felt they were probably more interesting to follow along with than just a weekly update of 'here is what we did this week.'  However, it is much easier to make sure I actually stay on top of the blogging when I do a weekly post on around the same day each week.  So please (if anyone is reading this ;-) ) bare with me while I try to get the flow of this down and figure out what is best.

We have been having some wonderful weather the past few weeks (possibly even too warm), so I am trying to get the kiddos outdoors a little more.  The unfortunate part of that means more baths/showers (not my favorite part of parenting), but I guess it is worth it, right?  Katelyn doesn't have school on Mondays and Fridays, so on the very rare occasion where I'm not working and we don't have appointments, I try to do something fun with them.  Last week we went to the park on Friday.  There happened to be another girl from Katelyn's class there that day too, so Katelyn had a blast.

Lunch Time!

On Saturday, we had a work day in the garage.  We bought some new shelving and moved some things around so that the kids will hopefully have better access to their toys.  Before it was just all in one huge tub and finding balls/helmets/toys could be difficult.  It was beautiful outside and we pretty much spent the whole day in the front yard. 

We love chalk at our house.
The finished product

 I might still pick up some more baskets and we need to get rid of a few basketball (I think 5 is too many), but I am really like it so far.  Our hope is that the bikes will stay far enough to the right so that they don't block everything else.  Fingers crossed.

On Tuesday, Katelyn celebrated 100's day at school.  She had to bring in 100 snack items (she picked marshmallows) and she had to turn in a project of her choice last week that included 100 items on it.  After looking through some ideas on Pinterest, she decided to make a skittles rainbow.

The highlight of my week was that they opened a new Hobby Lobby less than 10 minutes from our house on Monday!  So, of course, I had to go this morning with my mom to check it out.  Brooklyn thought these flowering trees in the parking lot were cool and wanted to go stand by one. 
The sun was a little bright . . .

Funnies of the week:
- I found an ice pack in the trash the other morning when making lunches and I asked Katelyn why it was in the trash.  "It's not cold," she said.  Evidently she thought that because it was no longer cold, it was broken.  I promptly took it out and put it in the freezer.
- Why is it that the only time flip flops fly off a kids foot while riding a scooter is when you are in the middle of a 5 lane road?  This of course happened to Brooklyn (aka Speed Racer) while walking to Katelyn's bus stop yesterday afternoon.

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