
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May 2016 - Weeks 2 & 3

Mother's Day weekend we needed to get out of the house, so we had some gift cards for Gameworks and decided to the take the kids.  Maybe we shouldn't have. . . .  They enjoyed several of the games, but got frustrated with the things they couldn't do and it just ended with a lot of crying.  But here are some pictures of them having fun.
First time for air hockey.

Racing other cars with daddy.

Sunday morning (Mother's Day) the girls had their Sunday School awards before church.  They both did really well throughout the year learning memory verses.
Katelyn in the middle.

Brooklyn on the left in black.

The girls made me this with the babysitter (we LOVE having my cousin Jessie babysit).
Katelyn is orange, Brooklyn purple, and Madison blue.
Katelyn also wrote this card for me, that just makes me want to cry.  She is such a thoughtful kid.

There was also a picture that she drew.

Because Katelyn had her field trip the Thursday before Mother's Day, they had the moms come to school for pampering the following Thursday.  It was a lot of fun.  The kids were so excited.  Katelyn gave me a few gifts they had ready, served me some food, painted my nails and pampered me.

Overall, we have had a very cool May and have been spending a lot of time outdoors.  We were also able to pick up a new bike for Katelyn with a great deal on a brand new bike from Craigslist.
Brooklyn's drawings of Olaf - her drawing gets better by the week.

Katelyn's new bike.

She's HUGE.

Lots & lots of swinging lately.  Madison wants to swing all day long.

Lots of chalk always going on at our house.  The neighbor girl likes to come play with them.

Twinning!  They love each other.

We've been going to the park more lately.  Here we were meeting some friends.

Here are a few more random pictures.

Messy eater.

The first time Katelyn painted her own fingers & toes.

Katelyn made this 'Family Flag'.   (Bottom right is biking.)

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